Care Instructions

Below are some care instructions for all of our products. If you have specific questions about caring for your Dusty Beard product that aren’t covered below, please don’t hesitate to Contact Me.

  • Your cutting board has been finished with Walrus Oil and their Wood Wax. I really like this product for its unique combination of mineral, coconut, vitamin E oils and beeswax.

    Cutting boards take abuse. Constant cutting with sharp blades, and introducing moisture is stressful to wood products. Follow the steps below to properly clean and condition your cutting board to ensure it lasts for years to come. Remember to NEVER place your cutting board in the dishwasher OR submerge in water.

    1. Everyday washing

      After using your cutting board, handwash it with dish soap and water. We recommend wetting all sides of the board, to keep the moisture content evenly distributed. When moisture reacts with the grain, it swells. If the swelling isn’t uniform, it can warp the board over time. After washing, place your board on it’s edge to dry overnight. (We typically set our boards on a kitchen towel leaning against the back splash.)

    2. Neutralize Odors

      Every now and again, you may need more than dish soap to remove odors from the board. To neutralize stubborn odors, rub your board with coarse salt and half of a lemon. For stronger deodorizing, sprinkle baking soda on top of the lemon/salt mixture. Let the mixture sit for 10-20 minutes and then wipe the board with a damp cloth.

    3. Condition with mineral oil - at least once a month or as needed

      Generously apply mineral oil all over your board. Be sure to add extra oil to the edges of the board. Let your board stand on its edge for a few hours or overnight. This allows the excess oil to penetrate deep into the wood. In the morning, wipe any remaining oil with a dry paper towel. You’re ready to roll!

    4. Condition with Board Conditioner - after applying mineral oil

      For long-lasting protection, condition your board with board conditioner like Walrus Oil’s Wood Wax, or Dusty Beard Wood Butter. Start by applying a small amount to the board. (A little goes a long way. You can always add more later.) Use your fingers or a paper towel to spread the butter all over the board’s front, back and edges. The board will feel greasy during this step. That’s okay. Stand the board on it’s edge for 15-30 minutes, allowing the butter to soak deep into the wood’s grain. Then buff the board with a dry cloth, using circular motions. By buffing you are creating a thin protective barrier on the board, while removing any excess wax from the board. You’re ready to slice, dice and serve!

  • These pieces are meant for display and serving - not as cutting boards. While you can cut on the wood, we do not recommend it. The wood is face grain which will show knife marks easily. Never cut on the epoxy resin your charcuterie board. Cutting on the epoxy will cause scratches and gouges to appear. Never submerge any of your wood pieces in water. Do not put in the dishwasher.

    ***Berries and other darkly colored food items WILL stain the wood portion of your board. To avoid this, place those items on the resin portion, or place a piece of wax paper beneath when serving.

    1. Clean the board

      Wash surface lightly with soft (non-abrasive), damp cloth -use only warm water and a diluted, mild dish detergent. Pat dry and then let it air dry completely.

    2. Maintain the board

      As needed, but I recommend no less than every 6 months, apply a mineral oil to the wood surfaces (both sides) and allow to penetrate for a few hours, or even overnight. After wiping the remaining oil off, apply a thin coat of our wood butter with your hand or a paper towel and then buff gently with a non-abrasive cloth or paper towel.

      For best results, apply a thin layer of wood butter before AND after food use. To keep your wood piece from splitting or cracking, it's important to keep it coated lightly in wood butter and away from excessive heat and sunlight.

      Oh Wait What About The Resin?

      A question that usually follows! The resin doesn't really need any maintenance. Sometimes I like to polish it with the oil/butter to add a shining glow. Other than that there is nothing to maintain.

  • Below are some general care guidelines for items. If you ever have any questions about caring for your item, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

    All items are finished with our own wood butter, or a combination oil/wax that is completely food safe.

    In general, washing your item with warm water and a mild dish soap is completely fine. Don’t put any of our products in the dishwasher, or submerge in water.

    In some cases, like in coasters, you may get some food/drink stains on the wood. You can rub the item with coarse salt and half of a lemon. For stronger stains, sprinkle baking soda on top of the lemon/salt mixture. Let the mixture sit for 10-20 minutes and then wipe with a damp cloth.

    Wood will naturally dry out over time and in dryer, sunnier environments. It’s important to rehydrate all wood products to maintain their look/feel as and to keep them from cracking/fading. Applying our wood butter by itself, or after an application of mineral oil will help ensure your wooden products last longer and look beautiful.

    Oh Wait What About The Resin?

    A question that usually follows! The resin doesn't really need any maintenance. Sometimes I like to polish it with the oil/butter to add a shining glow. Other than that there is nothing to maintain.

  • A food grade mineral oil is the industry standard for maintaining wooden kitchen products, including cutting and serving boards. This petroleum-based oil hydrates wood once absorbed. It’s commonly used on wooden spoons, among other kitchen appliances. It’s colorless, odorless, and lightweight (when it comes to oils). A regular application of mineral oil helps to prevent food odors from being absorbed into the wood and it blocks bacteria from hanging around in nicks that come with regular use. Mineral oil also conditions the board, reducing the appearance of wear over time. You can find it on shelves in all hardware stores, or even Amazon.

    I recommend applying mineral oil once a month, or when your board looks dry. Apply mineral oil in the direction of the grain. Allow the oil to soak into the board for at least a few hours, or even overnight. Remove any excess oil with a dry paper towel or cloth. We also suggest applying wood butter at least once every 6 months, but preferably after every application of mineral oil.

Cutting Board Refinishing Services

No matter how well you maintain your cutting board, it will require refinishing/resurfacing at some point. While this can be done at home with some basic supplies, Dusty Beard Woodcrafts is happy to offer this service to our customers. Knife marks, cracks, even warping can all typically be addressed. Costs will vary depending on the level of restoration needed, but I’m happy to give you a free quote. Whether its our board or not, we’d love the opportunity to bring that board back to life for you!

If you’d like to try and refinish it yourself and need some pointers, just reach out and I’m happy to provide some tips!